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Tools Thoughtworks Technology Radar 69. SQLFluff Assess While linting is an ancient practice in the software world, it’s had slower adoption in the data world. SQLFluff is a cross-dialect SQL linter written in Python that ships with a simple command line interface (CLI), making it easy to incorporate into a CI/CD pipeline. If you’re comfortable with the default conventions, then SQLFluff works without any additional configuration after installing it and will enforce a strongly opinionated set of formatting standards; setting your own conventions involves adding a configuration dotfile. The CLI can automatically fix certain classes of violations that involve formatting concerns like whitespace or uppercasing of keywords. SQLFluff is still new, but we’re excited to see SQL getting some attention in the linting world. 70. Terraform Validator Assess Organizations that have adopted infrastructure as code and self-service infrastructure platforms are looking for ways to give teams a maximum of autonomy while still enforcing good security practices and organizational policies. We’ve highlighted tfsec before and are moving it into the Adopt category in this Radar. For teams working on GCP, Terraform Validator could be an option when creating a policy library, a set of constraints that are checked against Terraform configurations. 71. Typesense Assess Typesense is a fast, typo-tolerant text search engine. For use cases with large volumes of data, Elasticsearch might still be a good option as it provides a horizontally scalable disk-based search solution. However, if you’re building a latency-sensitive search application with a search index size that can fit in memory, Typesense is a powerful alternative and another option to evaluate alongside tools such as Meilisearch. © Thoughtworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 32

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