Platforms 31. Trino Trial Trino, previously known as PrestoSQL, is an open-source, distributed SQL query engine designed for interactive analytic queries over big data. It is optimized to run both on-premise and in the cloud. It supports querying data where it lives, including Hive, Cassandra, relational databases and even proprietary data stores. For authentication mechanisms, it supports password-based authentication, LDAP and OAuth. For authorization and access control, Trino provides the ability to grant access at the catalog, schema and table levels. Our teams used resource groups spliced according to consumption patterns like visualization, reporting or machine learning use cases to manage and limit resource usage. The JMX-based monitoring provides a rich set of metrics to enable cost attribution at query or user level. Our teams use Trino as a gateway for data access across a variety of sources. When it comes to querying extremely large-scale data, Trino is a safe bet for our teams. Presto, the Facebook project from which Trino originates, was first featured in the Radar in November 2015. 32. Wiz Trial Wiz is another contender in the maturing cloud security platform landscape that allows its users to prevent, detect and respond to security risks and threats in one platform. Wiz can detect and alert on misconfigurations, vulnerabilities and leaked secrets both in artifacts that have yet to be deployed to live environments (container images, infrastructure code) as well as live workloads (containers, VMs and cloud services). It also contextualizes findings to the customer’s specific cloud landscape to enable response teams to better understand the issue and prioritize mitigations. Our teams have had good experience with Wiz. They find that Wiz is rapidly evolving and adding new features, and they appreciate that it enables them to detect risks and threats sooner than some other similar tools as it continuously scans for changes. 33. ActivityPub Assess With the current upheaval in the micro-blogging platform space, the ActivityPub protocol is gaining prominence. ActivityPub is an open protocol for sharing information such as posts, publications and dates. It can be used to implement a social media platform, but the key benefit is that it delivers interoperability between different social media platforms. We expect ActivityPub will play a significant role in this space, but we’re mentioning it here because we’re intrigued by the possibilities beyond the obvious use cases in social media. An example is ActivityPub support for merge requests, recently proposed for GitLab. 34. Azure Container Apps Assess Azure Container Apps is a managed Kubernetes namespace as a service that streamlines the deployment of containerized workloads by eliminating the need for intricate maintenance of Kubernetes clusters and underlying infrastructure components, consequently diminishing operational and administrative burdens. However, it’s essential to tread carefully while considering this option; currently in its developmental phase, it has exhibited inconsistencies in the Azure portal’s representation of its capabilities and encounters integration hurdles, particularly with the standard Terraform provider for Azure lagging in mirroring the tool’s actual functionalities. Given all this, we recommend assessing this tool carefully. © Thoughtworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 23
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