Tools 78. Ory Kratos Assess We’ve already assessed Ory Hydra as a self-hosted OAuth2 solution, and the feedback from the team has been good. This time, we turn to Ory Kratos, an API-first identity and user management system that’s developer friendly and easy to customize. It already provides common functions we want to achieve in an identity management system, including self-service login and registration, multi-factor authentication (MFA/2FA), account verification and account recovery. Like Hydra, Kratos is headless and requires developers to build the UI themselves, which gives the team more flexibility. Developers can also customize identity schema to fit different business contexts. Kratos has no external dependencies other than the database, and it’s easy to deploy and scale in different cloud environments. If you need to build a user management system, we recommend you give Kratos a try. 79. Philips’s self-hosted GitHub runner Assess While GitHub Actions runners cover a wide range of the most common runtimes, sometimes you need something that is more specific to your particular use case, such as a less common language runtime or a particular hardware configuration. That’s when you need a self-hosted runner. Philips’s self-hosted GitHub runner is a Terraform module that lets you spin up custom runners on AWS EC2 spot instances. The module also creates a set of Lambdas to make up for the fact that you lose some of GitHub Actions’ lifecycle management when you self-host runners. They do the heavy lifting for scaling runners up and down as needed. That helps manage costs and allows you to make runners ephemeral, which helps improve repeatability and security. When you do need to self-host runners, you might miss a lot of things when building custom runners from scratch. Look for tools like this one instead. © Thoughtworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 37

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