Platforms of autonomous driving, such as perception, decision-making and control. It also has a planning and control module that generates a trajectory for the vehicle based on its environment and objectives. It encourages open innovations in autonomous driving technology. We’re building prototypes using Autoware to validate new product ideas and find it helpful. 35. Cozo Assess Cozo is an embeddable relational database that uses Datalog for querying. We’re intrigued with its support for time-travel queries and modeling graph data in relational schema. We quite like that it delegates data storage to existing popular engines — including SQLite, RocksDB, Sled and TiKV. Although Cozo is still in its early stages of development, we find it’s worth assessing. 36. Dapr Assess Dapr, short for Distributed Application Runtime, helps developers to build resilient, stateless and stateful microservices that run in the cloud. Some people may confuse it with a service mesh, because it uses a sidecar architecture that runs as a separate process alongside the application. Dapr is more application oriented and focuses on encapsulating the fault tolerance and connectivity required for building distributed applications. For example, Dapr provides multiple building blocks, from service invocation and message pub/sub to distributed lock, all of which are common patterns in distributed communication. One of our teams evaluated Dapr on a recent project; given their positive experience, they’re looking forward to bringing it to other projects in the future. 37. Immuta Assess Immuta is a data security platform that allows you to secure access to your data, automatically discover sensitive data and audit how data is being used in an organization. In the past, we’ve talked about the importance of automation, engineering practices and treating security policy as code when we think about security concerns. Data security is no different. Our teams have been exploring Immuta to manage data policies as code to allow for fine-grained access control which is beyond what role-based access control (RBAC) can offer. Version-controlled policies can be tested and then provisioned as part of a CI/CD pipeline. In a decentralized data ecosystem, like one facilitated by data mesh, having domain-specific roles can lead to role or group proliferation in the identity system. Immuta’s attribute-based access control (ABAC) capability reduces the access grant to a mathematical equation of matching an “attribute” on the user to a “tag” on the data source. This platform is still new but certainly worth highlighting for data security needs. 38. Matter Assess Matter is an open standard for smart home technology, launched by Amazon, Apple, Google, Comcast and the Zigbee Alliance (now Connectivity Standards Alliance, or CSA). It enables devices to work with any Matter-certified ecosystem, thus reducing fragmentation and promoting interoperability among devices and IoT platforms from different providers. Its focus on standardization at the © Thoughtworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 24
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